Court Organization, Judges, Court Governance
Court Organization
The Utah State Court System is comprised of two appellate courts - the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals; trial courts including the District, Juvenile, and Justice Courts; and two administrative bodies - the Judicial Council and the Administrative Office of the Court. District, Juvenile and Justice courts are located in each of the state's eight judicial districts. If you are uncertain of which district you live in, use the Judicial District Locator Map. The links below provide more information about the court system.
- Navigating the Court System - PDF
Utah Supreme Court
Utah Court of Appeals
Utah District Courts
Utah Juvenile Courts
Utah Justice Courts
Judges and Court Commissioners
Visit the Judges' Biographical Information web page to learn about Utah's justices and judges.
See the Judge Selection and Evaluation web page for information about how Utah judges are selected, and how their performance is evaluated.
The conduct of Utah's judges is guided by the Code of Judicial Conduct and judicial ethics opinions.
The Judicial Conduct Commission investigates complaints about Utah state, county and municipal judges.
Court Commissioners
Court commissioners are quasi-judicial officers who have the authority to review paperwork, hold hearings, gather evidence, and conduct settlement and pretrial conferences. They can also make recommendations to a judge, recommend sanctions and enter orders. A commissioner's recommendation is the order of the court unless or until it is modified by a judge. In Judicial Districts 1-4, commissioners hear most matters in domestic cases including divorce, custody, and protective orders.
Performance evaluation of commissioners is governed by Utah Code of Judicial Administration Rule 3-111.
Complaints about commissioners are governed by Utah Code of Judicial Administration Rule 3-201.02
Utah Code 78A-5-107, Utah Code of Judicial Administration Rule 3-201, Rule 3-201.02, and Rule 3-111, and the Code of Judicial Conduct govern court commissioners.

Judicial Council
The Utah Judicial Council is the policy-making body for the judiciary. It has the constitutional authority to adopt uniform rules for the administration of all the courts in the state. The Council also sets standards for judicial performance, court facilities, support services, and judicial and non-judicial staff levels.
The Council consists of fourteen members. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court chairs the Council. The other members include: a Supreme Court Justice; a judge of the Court of Appeals; five District Court judges; two Juvenile Court judges; three Justice Court judges; a state bar representative; and the State Court Administrator, who serves as secretariat to the Council. The judges serve three-year terms, and the state bar representative also serves three years. List of current Judicial Council members.
The Judicial Council holds monthly meetings throughout the state. All the meetings are open and may be attended by interested parties. They provide an opportunity for other branches of government, federal agencies, and citizens to present issues and concerns directly to the judiciary.
Boards of Judges
By rule, the Judicial Council established a Board of Judges for each level of court. Boards of Judges adopt administrative rules in accordance with the guidelines of the Council, advise the Council, supervise the implementation of Council policies and serve as liaisons between judges and the Council.
- Members of Board of Appellate Court Judges
- Members of Board of District Court Judges
- Members of Board of Juvenile Court Judges
- Members of Board of Justice Court Judges
- Members of Board of Senior Judges
All Boards and Committees Membership
- Boards and Committees - members of all governing boards and committees
Administrative Support
The Court Administrator Act, passed in 1973 and revised in 1986, provides for the appointment of a State Court Administrator, an individual with professional ability and experience in the field of public administration and an understanding of court procedures and services. The State Court Administrator is assisted by a Deputy Administrator, District, Juvenile, and Justice Court Administrators, trial court executives, and management personnel in the following areas: Human Resources, Public Information, Planning and Research, Finance, Information Technology, Information Services, Audit and General Counsel. The Administrative Office of the Courts serves as staff to the Judicial Council, rules committees, boards of judges, standing and ad hoc committees, and nominating commissions and provides support to Clerks of Court and Trial Court Executives throughout the state.
History of the Courts
The Utah State Archives website includes histories of the courts in Utah. Click here to see what is available.