Juvenile Court
    • Carbon County Juvenile Court Declaration of Financial Status
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    • Child Protective Order
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    • Counsel's Certification of Diligent Search
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    • Declaration of Financial Status (Bilingual - English and Spanish)
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    • Declaration of Financial Status (Juvenile)
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    • Declaration of Income and Expenses in Support of Petition for Emancipation
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    • Emery County Juvenile Court Declaration of Financial Status
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    • Ex Parte Child Protective Order
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    • Findings and Order on Petition for Authorization to Marry
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    • Grand County Juvenile Court Declaration of Financial Status
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    • Indian Child Welfare Act - Motion to Intervene
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    • Indian Child Welfare Act - Order Granting Motion to Intervene
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    • Motion - juvenile court
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    • Motion to Waive Fees (Juvenile)
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    • Notice of Appeal - Petition for Waiver of Parental Consent to Minor's Abortion
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    • Notice of Appeal [Cross-Appeal] in Child Welfare Proceedings (Utah R. App. P. 52)
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    • Notice of Denial of Ex Parte Child Protective Order
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    • Notice of Designated Tribal Representative in a Court Proceeding Involving an Indian Child
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    • Notice of Oral Argument on Appeal
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    • Notice of Petition for Emancipation of a Minor
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    • Objection to Petition to Expunge Civil Juvenile Protective Order
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    • Order Vacating Child Protective Order
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    • Order on Motion to Waive Fees
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    • Order on Petition for Emancipation of a Minor
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    • Order to Transfer Child Protective Order to District Court
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    • Petition and Application for Authorization to Marry
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    • Petition for Emancipation of a Minor
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    • Petition for Special Findings for At-Risk Noncitizen Child
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    • Petition on Appeal (Child Welfare)
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    • Petition to Expunge Allegations Not Found to be True
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    • Petition to Expunge Juvenile Court Records
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    • Petition to Expunge Juvenile Court Records (Nonjudicial Adjustments)
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    • Petition to Expunge Juvenile Records of Arrest, Investigation, Detention, or Delinquency
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    • Petition to Terminate Parental Rights Upon Voluntary Relinquishment
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    • Proposed Order-Proposed Decree-Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law
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    • Relative or Friend Statement of Interest in Custody of a Child for Juvenile Court
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    • Request for Transcript (Child Welfare Appeals)
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    • Request for and Notice of Hearing on Denied Ex Parte Child Protective Order
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    • Request to Vacate Child Protective Order
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    • Request to submit - juvenile court
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    • Response to Petition on Appeal (Child Welfare)
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    • San Juan County Juvenile Court Declaration of Financial Status
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    • Utah Juvenile Court Petition Cover Sheet
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    • Verified Petition Against Substantiation in DCFS Licensing Database (Form A)
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    • Verified Petition for Ex Parte Child Protective Order
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    • Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights
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We are available Monday - Friday 9am - 4:00pm.