Library Presentations & Tours

We provide the following presentations for Utah state agencies and court staff either in person or online:

Court Website & State Law Library

Introduces the resources on the Utah State Courts' website for people representing themselves including forms and ways to get legal help. Provides an overview of the services provided by the Utah State Law Library.

This presentation is available either at the State Law Library or on-site at your office. Presentations at the State Law Library will be followed by a library tour. We have given this presentation to government and social service agencies, and cultural and civic groups.

This presentation is available upon request. Contact us for more information.

Legal Reference for Public Library Staff

We provide training for public library staff introducing legal reference sources including the courts' website, forms, and referral agencies.

This presentation is available either in person or online. Contact us for more information.

Utah Legislative History

Learn how to compile a complete legislative history using print and online resources.

This presentation is available for Utah state agencies and court staff either in person or online. Contact us for more information.


Utah State Law Library | 450 S. State Street | 801-238-7990 | Directions | View Map