Code of Judicial Administration – Effective May 1, 2021

CJA02-0211. Compliance with the Code of Judicial Administration and the Code of Judicial Conduct (AMEND). Expands the ability to report allegations of a failure to comply with the provisions of the CJA and the CJC to any court employee. Clarifies the reporting process. Allows information identifying the complainant to be omitted from reports to the Judicial Council. If the allegations involve inappropriate behavior toward the complainant, the complainant must be made aware of any corrective action taken. The complainant may ask for Judicial Council review of any decision made by the presiding officer.

CJA10-01-0501. Orders to show cause (REPEAL)

CJA10-01-0602. Orders to show cause (REPEAL)

The Supreme Court approved revisions to URCP rule 7, and created new URCP rules 7A and 7B. Rules 7A and 7B create a new, uniform process for enforcing court orders through regular motion practice. The new rules (effective May 1, 2021) replace the current order to show cause process found in Rule 7(q) and in the two local court rules listed above.

Judicial Council Order

Utah Courts

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